On the Arrowhead Hospital Campus
18699 North 67th Ave., Suite 280
Glendale, Arizona 85308


Around 5% of all Americans have hemorrhoids — and after age 50, that number rises to 50%. At Arizona Preferred Surgeons the skilled surgeons perform hemorrhoid banding in the office. They also offer surgical hemorrhoid removal.

Hemorrhoids Q & A

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your rectum and in and around your anus. Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the lining of your lower rectum and anus, while external hemorrhoids appear in the skin surrounding your anus.

A thrombosed hemorrhoid occurs if blood collects and forms a clot in an internal or external hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoids can be disruptive enough to require medical treatment.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoid symptoms depend on what kind of hemorrhoid you have.

Internal hemorrhoid symptoms

Internal hemorrhoids don’t usually cause discomfort. But you can experience painless bleeding — tiny spots of bright red blood on your stool, toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl. An internal hemorrhoid can also prolapse (move out of your anus) if you strain a lot during bowel movements.

External hemorrhoid symptoms

External hemorrhoids can be extremely uncomfortable and can cause itching, soreness, swelling, pain, and bleeding. You might feel a hard lump around your anus. As with internal hemorrhoids, straining during bowel movements can make the situation (and your symptoms) worse.

A thrombosed hemorrhoid typically causes a sudden increase in discomfort. It can become excruciating just to sit down.

What causes hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids usually develop when you experience a lot of pressure in the last part of your rectum (the anus). This pressure stretches the veins in the area, causing swelling that leads to hemorrhoids.

Some of the factors that commonly contribute to hemorrhoid growth include:

  • Sitting on the toilet for longer than necessary
  • Pushing or straining during bowel movements
  • Extra body weight
  • Pregnancy
  • Frequently lifting heavy objects
  • Anal intercourse
  • Eating too little fiber in your diet

You’re more likely to develop hemorrhoids as you get older because the tissues surrounding your anus stretch and weaken with time.

How are hemorrhoids treated?

Arizona Preferred Surgeons offers two effective options for hemorrhoid removal:

Hemorrhoid banding

Hemorrhoid banding is an in-office procedure in which rubber bands are used to cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoids. Without blood, the hemorrhoids shrink until only the skin remains. The skin then falls off within several days, usually during a bowel movement. Your body forms a scar in the area, preventing the hemorrhoid’s return.

Hemorrhoid surgery

Hemorrhoid surgery, which takes place in the operating room, involves surgical excision of your hemorrhoids. Surgery is usually the best approach if you have extensive or particularly severe hemorrhoids.

Your experienced surgeon at Arizona Preferred Surgeons can explain the two treatment approaches so that you can choose the one right for your lifestyle and needs. Call the office now to book your consultation.